- Found out where Im going!!!!!!!! Norfolk! USS Kauffman, FFG 59 time to go save the world.
- finished C school!! Also awesome
- Going home
Nothing else to report. right now, will give a nice update soon.
Why are the French in England?
"None of your business"
About Me

- jake
- San Diego, California
- Im in the Navy, I love Rebecca and I am a third class petty officer. I am a sonar tech currently in C-school. I really can't wait to go sail the seven seas for a bit. I kinda just like to go with the flow and see what happens.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
It would be sweet to know where I am going.
My instructor looks like Freddy Mercury with his mustache, I can't tell if he actually dislikes me, I'd like to think he doesn't hate me.
I feel so guilty for not working out yesterday, today I think ill spend an hour or so in the gym.
I know my call despite my faults and my growing fears. - mumford and sons, awesome band
I am a complete retard sometimes.
I stated above I didn't work out and was going to go to the gym for awhile to make up for it. I DIDN'T0!
I did go today though (a week later...)
I easily attach myself to people and dont know why.
My roommate is going to die, all he does is eat hamburgers and drink soda. Its kind of sickening.
I am third in my class now, I was 1st at one point. And I am content with that.
I'm terrified of life after this base.
“We're so busy watching out for what's just ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are.”- Calvin and Hobbes.
I try so hard to live by that rule.
My home world is a big headache and quite distracting to think about during the day.
I felt bad today, sometimes being a friend sucks.
Today looking out my window at how nice it was reminded me of being at home, and waking up looking outside grabbing my golf clubs or skateboard. Its days like today that I hate living in san diego.
I hate being reminded that im a smaller person.
My instructor looks like Freddy Mercury with his mustache, I can't tell if he actually dislikes me, I'd like to think he doesn't hate me.
I feel so guilty for not working out yesterday, today I think ill spend an hour or so in the gym.
I know my call despite my faults and my growing fears. - mumford and sons, awesome band
I am a complete retard sometimes.
I stated above I didn't work out and was going to go to the gym for awhile to make up for it. I DIDN'T0!
I did go today though (a week later...)
I easily attach myself to people and dont know why.
My roommate is going to die, all he does is eat hamburgers and drink soda. Its kind of sickening.
I am third in my class now, I was 1st at one point. And I am content with that.
I'm terrified of life after this base.
“We're so busy watching out for what's just ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are.”- Calvin and Hobbes.
I try so hard to live by that rule.
My home world is a big headache and quite distracting to think about during the day.
I felt bad today, sometimes being a friend sucks.
Today looking out my window at how nice it was reminded me of being at home, and waking up looking outside grabbing my golf clubs or skateboard. Its days like today that I hate living in san diego.
I hate being reminded that im a smaller person.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Things ive noticed
I find that nights when I can't sleep are the only nights when I can think.
The days I want to be left alone, everyone I know shows up.
The days I want to be around people, I can't find a soul.
Geico is very cocky to have so many spokespeople.
I really do like high fives.
I don't know why I instigate and say things I don't actually mean.
I just watched a guy saw his arm off in a movie, woah.
I like this blog, I don't use it as much as I should and I have way to many drafts
I like knowing very few people look at it, which is good.
Its taken me a month to write 10 sentences.
It seems like the smart guy in every tv drama is a weirdo.
I think being the pope would be awesome. You get your own religion and city.
I find the phrase no pain, no gain to be most true with people who are paralyzed.
There are some very odd people in the Navy.
San Diego's power grid rivals Baghdad in 2006 in terms of reliability.
Some days I think I should have just been a comedian.
Other days I think im an idiot for the before mentioned sentence.
I am fairly sure I am a conservative, but I really hate every other conservative.
Democrats to, democrats are bastards.
I once shot a man in reno, just to watch him die.
That was a lie, I never shot anyone in reno.
Ive never even been to reno.
I should go there.
In two weeks I watched a couple hundred episodes of Dragonball and Dragonball z.
I believe in life, knowing someone is more important then knowing something.
I hate that I work out so much and see such little improvement.
I think its a bit unhealthy how much I worry about the above.
These are just something ive noticed.
The days I want to be left alone, everyone I know shows up.
The days I want to be around people, I can't find a soul.
Geico is very cocky to have so many spokespeople.
I really do like high fives.
I don't know why I instigate and say things I don't actually mean.
I just watched a guy saw his arm off in a movie, woah.
I like this blog, I don't use it as much as I should and I have way to many drafts
I like knowing very few people look at it, which is good.
Its taken me a month to write 10 sentences.
It seems like the smart guy in every tv drama is a weirdo.
I think being the pope would be awesome. You get your own religion and city.
I find the phrase no pain, no gain to be most true with people who are paralyzed.
There are some very odd people in the Navy.
San Diego's power grid rivals Baghdad in 2006 in terms of reliability.
Some days I think I should have just been a comedian.
Other days I think im an idiot for the before mentioned sentence.
I am fairly sure I am a conservative, but I really hate every other conservative.
Democrats to, democrats are bastards.
I once shot a man in reno, just to watch him die.
That was a lie, I never shot anyone in reno.
Ive never even been to reno.
I should go there.
In two weeks I watched a couple hundred episodes of Dragonball and Dragonball z.
I believe in life, knowing someone is more important then knowing something.
I hate that I work out so much and see such little improvement.
I think its a bit unhealthy how much I worry about the above.
These are just something ive noticed.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Why yes when I refer to the sports team I say we.
Ok, pet peeve time.
Why on earth do people feel compelled to tell me im not on a sports team I root for when I say "we" in regards to a game or a deal.
For instance
Myself: "We just didn't get it done this weekend we were clearly out played and we played sloppy"
annoying douche trying to sound smart: "We? I didn't know you were on the team"
Screw you jackass. I didn't realize I wasn't on the payroll. This whole time I had been wondering where my jersey was and when I wasn't getting paid! OF COURSE I KNOW IM NOT ON THE GOD FORSAKEN TEAM.
Its called being a fan, are you less of a fan for not saying we? No not at all, some people (such as myself) invest a good amount of their free time keeping up with the teams they follow, reading stats, following trades/injuries/contracts we invest part of ourselves into the team. We buy jerseys, t-shirts, hats and tickets to watch the teams play to support the team and insure that there will be a team there for us to watch, so in a way we are apart of the team. Are we a big part of the team? No. Are we important? Yes. Like the little 14 years old supporting china's work force with out them, china's work force would be nothing. Without fans sport teams wouldn't survive.
So please stop telling me im not on the team, I know that, I am completely aware.
Why on earth do people feel compelled to tell me im not on a sports team I root for when I say "we" in regards to a game or a deal.
For instance
Myself: "We just didn't get it done this weekend we were clearly out played and we played sloppy"
annoying douche trying to sound smart: "We? I didn't know you were on the team"
Screw you jackass. I didn't realize I wasn't on the payroll. This whole time I had been wondering where my jersey was and when I wasn't getting paid! OF COURSE I KNOW IM NOT ON THE GOD FORSAKEN TEAM.
Its called being a fan, are you less of a fan for not saying we? No not at all, some people (such as myself) invest a good amount of their free time keeping up with the teams they follow, reading stats, following trades/injuries/contracts we invest part of ourselves into the team. We buy jerseys, t-shirts, hats and tickets to watch the teams play to support the team and insure that there will be a team there for us to watch, so in a way we are apart of the team. Are we a big part of the team? No. Are we important? Yes. Like the little 14 years old supporting china's work force with out them, china's work force would be nothing. Without fans sport teams wouldn't survive.
So please stop telling me im not on the team, I know that, I am completely aware.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
If you live a sheltered life, did you really live at all?
So it has been quite some time since my last entry, two months by the looks of it. I had planned on writing this out tomorrow, but the Patriots lost today and I have locked myself away from the world so I figured now would be the best time to sit down and write this out. So sit back and let me spin you a lovely tale of my life since the completion of A-school.
I finished A-school on Oct. 27th as noted in my last entry, immediately following that I was trust back into the monotonous holds routine once more, muster go clean something (code for go back to bed and let the noobs do the cleaning) go to lunch at 1030, go to lunch, muster again and then PT/work till 3 depending on the day. I was on this schedule for around 2 weeks before I finally received my C-school orders. As I walked into the Admin office a number of things shot around in my head, would I get a new system and go to the brand spankin' new ships of the fleet? Would I get the old system I wanted and be heading to a frigate? Or would I be forced into the 9 month long tail tech course that would hold me on this god forsaken base until after my 21st birthday....if you couldn't figure it out from the length of that last sentence, yes I was informed I would be a tail tech. After about 5 minutes of cursing god and everyone in sight I was ok with it. Class date: December 6th
Another month on hold, crap.
However, shortly after this development a grand development formed. My gorgeous girl would be joining me in San Diego for the week of thanksgiving! Suddenly all of the idiotic, monotonous, and repetitive tasks ceased to phase me, I had a goal in my brain to reach. The days started to run together and before I knew it I was the airport picking my lady up!
We had a marvelous week, we visited all over San Diego, the various malls (Fashion valley, mission valley, horton plaza) We went to the Zoo, the Movies with some friends from base, and the Midway Museum. It was so nice to have her with me :). We ended up eating thanksgiving dinner at a local restaurant chain in San Diego called Oggis, I had pasta, very thanksgivingy I know lol! We then went back to our hotel lounged around and watched thanksgiving football. It was an interesting way to spend thanksgiving, but so far one thing I have learned in the Navy is nothing will be normal while I am here. She got to see the Coronado bridge and all over san diego and the epic views that it has.
Sadly, our trip came to an end and I sent Becca back to St. Louis. Knowing that come December I should be reaching home for 2 weeks to see her again.
With becca back at home all that was left for me to look towards was December 17th when I would be flying home for the holidays! This day had been marked down since early October for the day I would be returning, all the while planning ahead to make sure only a handful of people knew so I could surprise my mom, but we will get to that later. Anyway, so with becca gone and Christmas a month away I had the pleasure of starting C-school. Woo.
Bright and early we all lined up that morning, twelve of us total, 4 of us Petty officers (oh yeah while becca was home I reached the Pay grade of E4, which in the navy is a Petty officer 3rd class) none of us really knowing what nonsense we would have to endure for the next half year.
So C-school starts, there by 730am out by 3, or at the latest 4 or 5 if you are on mando. tests aren't test of memory but looking through books for answers, yes every test is open book and yet somehow people still fail....yeah I don't get it. Labs are a little more stressful. As of right now I am 2nd overall in the class but the top ranked male in the group. So C-school is going pretty well.
Being in C-school has however brought about one good change, I actually want to PT now (damn you STG2).
So anyway, 2 weeks pass and it is now December 17th and time for me to go home. Flight time, 2140 to Phoenix international airport, next flight 0045 to St. Louis landing time 0445.
Long night ahead for sure. Marissa a good friend I have made since being in san diego, graciously agrees to drive me, barnett and burdette to the airport. Starting to rain, first thought is shit if this plane is delayed I will freak out, nope not delayed no worries. Going through security I learned a fun fact about America that I think everyone should know. Terrorist use snow globes. As I am standing there in full dress uniform going through security so far so good and then boom...my bag of fragile items has to be checked because of a snow globe...ridiculous. But after that small hiccup it was smooth sailing into St. Louis. First class bump and all.
As the plane begins its land into St Louis I awaken to a very cold plane cabin, looking out the window I see white covering the houses, confused I look around and ask what that is...the plane steward looks at me confused and says....snow sir... and it dawns on me I had forgotten what snow looks like HA! A few moments later, we have landed and I am now searching through Lambert airfield for my sister and girlfriend who have braved the weather to come get me. I was finally home.
The next two weeks seem like a blur, from surprising mom and having her call me a jerk and hit me to the blues kicking the crap out of the redwings in st. louis, to Christmas to my week of just seeing people and relaxing. It was a two weeks I really needed to just relax, and a two weeks I really need to remind me what why I am doing what I am doing.
Back in San Diego on January 2nd, back at school January 4th.
And that really has been my life up until now, more school and more staring off into the distant future for the next time becca can visit me and I can make my way home. Its looking like around memorial day becca will be back here in San Diego with me! I miss everyone at home so very much and can not wait to be back there!
And sadly, today the Patriots season came to an end at the hands of the Jets....always next year I suppose.
Oh small note im planning on getting a tattoo here soon :) (not navy related those will come once I reach a ship just something I thought sounded cool and want)
I finished A-school on Oct. 27th as noted in my last entry, immediately following that I was trust back into the monotonous holds routine once more, muster go clean something (code for go back to bed and let the noobs do the cleaning) go to lunch at 1030, go to lunch, muster again and then PT/work till 3 depending on the day. I was on this schedule for around 2 weeks before I finally received my C-school orders. As I walked into the Admin office a number of things shot around in my head, would I get a new system and go to the brand spankin' new ships of the fleet? Would I get the old system I wanted and be heading to a frigate? Or would I be forced into the 9 month long tail tech course that would hold me on this god forsaken base until after my 21st birthday....if you couldn't figure it out from the length of that last sentence, yes I was informed I would be a tail tech. After about 5 minutes of cursing god and everyone in sight I was ok with it. Class date: December 6th
Another month on hold, crap.
However, shortly after this development a grand development formed. My gorgeous girl would be joining me in San Diego for the week of thanksgiving! Suddenly all of the idiotic, monotonous, and repetitive tasks ceased to phase me, I had a goal in my brain to reach. The days started to run together and before I knew it I was the airport picking my lady up!
We had a marvelous week, we visited all over San Diego, the various malls (Fashion valley, mission valley, horton plaza) We went to the Zoo, the Movies with some friends from base, and the Midway Museum. It was so nice to have her with me :). We ended up eating thanksgiving dinner at a local restaurant chain in San Diego called Oggis, I had pasta, very thanksgivingy I know lol! We then went back to our hotel lounged around and watched thanksgiving football. It was an interesting way to spend thanksgiving, but so far one thing I have learned in the Navy is nothing will be normal while I am here. She got to see the Coronado bridge and all over san diego and the epic views that it has.
Sadly, our trip came to an end and I sent Becca back to St. Louis. Knowing that come December I should be reaching home for 2 weeks to see her again.
With becca back at home all that was left for me to look towards was December 17th when I would be flying home for the holidays! This day had been marked down since early October for the day I would be returning, all the while planning ahead to make sure only a handful of people knew so I could surprise my mom, but we will get to that later. Anyway, so with becca gone and Christmas a month away I had the pleasure of starting C-school. Woo.
Bright and early we all lined up that morning, twelve of us total, 4 of us Petty officers (oh yeah while becca was home I reached the Pay grade of E4, which in the navy is a Petty officer 3rd class) none of us really knowing what nonsense we would have to endure for the next half year.
So C-school starts, there by 730am out by 3, or at the latest 4 or 5 if you are on mando. tests aren't test of memory but looking through books for answers, yes every test is open book and yet somehow people still fail....yeah I don't get it. Labs are a little more stressful. As of right now I am 2nd overall in the class but the top ranked male in the group. So C-school is going pretty well.
Being in C-school has however brought about one good change, I actually want to PT now (damn you STG2).
So anyway, 2 weeks pass and it is now December 17th and time for me to go home. Flight time, 2140 to Phoenix international airport, next flight 0045 to St. Louis landing time 0445.
Long night ahead for sure. Marissa a good friend I have made since being in san diego, graciously agrees to drive me, barnett and burdette to the airport. Starting to rain, first thought is shit if this plane is delayed I will freak out, nope not delayed no worries. Going through security I learned a fun fact about America that I think everyone should know. Terrorist use snow globes. As I am standing there in full dress uniform going through security so far so good and then boom...my bag of fragile items has to be checked because of a snow globe...ridiculous. But after that small hiccup it was smooth sailing into St. Louis. First class bump and all.
As the plane begins its land into St Louis I awaken to a very cold plane cabin, looking out the window I see white covering the houses, confused I look around and ask what that is...the plane steward looks at me confused and says....snow sir... and it dawns on me I had forgotten what snow looks like HA! A few moments later, we have landed and I am now searching through Lambert airfield for my sister and girlfriend who have braved the weather to come get me. I was finally home.
The next two weeks seem like a blur, from surprising mom and having her call me a jerk and hit me to the blues kicking the crap out of the redwings in st. louis, to Christmas to my week of just seeing people and relaxing. It was a two weeks I really needed to just relax, and a two weeks I really need to remind me what why I am doing what I am doing.
Back in San Diego on January 2nd, back at school January 4th.
And that really has been my life up until now, more school and more staring off into the distant future for the next time becca can visit me and I can make my way home. Its looking like around memorial day becca will be back here in San Diego with me! I miss everyone at home so very much and can not wait to be back there!
And sadly, today the Patriots season came to an end at the hands of the Jets....always next year I suppose.
Oh small note im planning on getting a tattoo here soon :) (not navy related those will come once I reach a ship just something I thought sounded cool and want)
Monday, November 1, 2010
I have some important news class... I have my orders and no longer care about you-STG1 Polster

I have graduated A-school! I'd like to take this moment to thank the academy, my family, kevin cosnter and of course god. I am now officially an STG :)
It was a long 9-weeks, full of sitting around doing nothing, smashing my head against walls in frustration and close to just punting a baby off the Coronado bridge. But it is over! And now....after much anticipation and preparation, I am beginning my C-school...wait...whats that? No C-school orders for anyone right now??. Ok let me retry that, after much preparation and anticipation, I am back on Holds :( Well while waiting for C-school I should mention the stupidity of this system. Instead of giving us a preference in what C-school we want, we are told what we will get. Now I think to myself, "this system has some flaws, someone such as myself may want a specific system and only that system" And if im not given any preference, this could lead to some disgruntled people. Keep your fingers crossed that I make it into the Frigate C-school, I know I am praying for it!!
Bah, oh well such is life, A-School was a trip, my instructor could not have been any better, he was a funny man, and he cared about whether or not we understood the material he was presenting to us. Albeit deluded in his choice of sport teams, but no one is perfect, and luckily I was in an A-School class with a group of people for the most part who I didn't want to kill. So that was Awesome and all that jazz, not to much head butting going on in there. (PS. Ash Kelly you should have been here and not in Alaska!) A-school PT also sucked! Stg1 Harvell ran it like he had a chip on his shoulder the entire time, kicked our asses up and down, but I always left PT feeling pretty good haha.
Lets see, besides A-school what else has happened since I last updated you all...oh yes, I turned 20! The most worthless age of them all, one year closer to being able to drink but still in that age group between 18-21 where people just kind of feel bad for you. For my birthday my lovely grandmother sent me candy, and a massive box of brownies rest assured my work outs intensified for a few weeks. My girlfriend rebecca surprised me with a game boy ds which was freaking sweet, and to put the cherry on the ice cream my mom sent me a digital camera!! And it arrived just in time for me to take to the Padres game I attended.
(seats at padres game)
I went with my bootcamp buddy Kruse and A-school buddy Barnett (who is as old as the dirt the dinosaurs walked on) It was a great game and good night overall and I was glad to have people to spend it with being 2000 miles from home!
Coming up at the end of November my lovely lady rebecca will be joining me for a week out in san diego :) :) and i can't wait to take her all over the city and show her around it will be a blast :) You can expect my next update around then!!
I miss everyone at home and can't wait to be back home!
Also God may be awesome, but this church's spelling definitely wasn't!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Hurry up....now wait.
So after my few months in Great lakes and being rushed through a technical school I really didn't need to attend I am still sitting on hold over a month later in San Diego. Hurry up and wait at its finest. Its not that bad really to wait here I mean every day I can go to the beach and relax (and once my laundry is done I will be doing just that) its the sheer irony that the Military gives us these things called orders of where we are suppose to be and when we are to start doing what we are paid to do there. Only to arrive at that location and be told "No, you probably won't start for another month" I had to fight with all my urge to not look at them and say why the **** was I rushed here!? Oh well it is what it is I suppose. At the current rate I should, should being the keyword here, class up the next set which is about 2 weeks after this coming Monday, which by the way, will be essentially 1 month from the date I was SUPPOSE to start school.
Other news, this coming week I will finally have my Xbox :D and I am now a proud Phase 3 hold student which basically means I can come and go as I please as long as I show up for duty and show up in the morning at holds. Pretty simple guide lines. Other than that nothing really of interest has been going on for me, my daily routine has turned into one of wake up, go to holds, pt, shower, do what ever I want...rinse and repeat the next day.
At least I am being paid for this so I cant complain to much.
Other news, this coming week I will finally have my Xbox :D and I am now a proud Phase 3 hold student which basically means I can come and go as I please as long as I show up for duty and show up in the morning at holds. Pretty simple guide lines. Other than that nothing really of interest has been going on for me, my daily routine has turned into one of wake up, go to holds, pt, shower, do what ever I want...rinse and repeat the next day.
At least I am being paid for this so I cant complain to much.
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