I have graduated A-school! I'd like to take this moment to thank the academy, my family, kevin cosnter and of course god. I am now officially an STG :)
It was a long 9-weeks, full of sitting around doing nothing, smashing my head against walls in frustration and close to just punting a baby off the Coronado bridge. But it is over! And now....after much anticipation and preparation, I am beginning my C-school...wait...whats that? No C-school orders for anyone right now??. Ok let me retry that, after much preparation and anticipation, I am back on Holds :( Well while waiting for C-school I should mention the stupidity of this system. Instead of giving us a preference in what C-school we want, we are told what we will get. Now I think to myself, "this system has some flaws, someone such as myself may want a specific system and only that system" And if im not given any preference, this could lead to some disgruntled people. Keep your fingers crossed that I make it into the Frigate C-school, I know I am praying for it!!
Bah, oh well such is life, A-School was a trip, my instructor could not have been any better, he was a funny man, and he cared about whether or not we understood the material he was presenting to us. Albeit deluded in his choice of sport teams, but no one is perfect, and luckily I was in an A-School class with a group of people for the most part who I didn't want to kill. So that was Awesome and all that jazz, not to much head butting going on in there. (PS. Ash Kelly you should have been here and not in Alaska!) A-school PT also sucked! Stg1 Harvell ran it like he had a chip on his shoulder the entire time, kicked our asses up and down, but I always left PT feeling pretty good haha.
Lets see, besides A-school what else has happened since I last updated you all...oh yes, I turned 20! The most worthless age of them all, one year closer to being able to drink but still in that age group between 18-21 where people just kind of feel bad for you. For my birthday my lovely grandmother sent me candy, and a massive box of brownies rest assured my work outs intensified for a few weeks. My girlfriend rebecca surprised me with a game boy ds which was freaking sweet, and to put the cherry on the ice cream my mom sent me a digital camera!! And it arrived just in time for me to take to the Padres game I attended.
(seats at padres game)
I went with my bootcamp buddy Kruse and A-school buddy Barnett (who is as old as the dirt the dinosaurs walked on) It was a great game and good night overall and I was glad to have people to spend it with being 2000 miles from home!
Coming up at the end of November my lovely lady rebecca will be joining me for a week out in san diego :) :) and i can't wait to take her all over the city and show her around it will be a blast :) You can expect my next update around then!!
I miss everyone at home and can't wait to be back home!
Also God may be awesome, but this church's spelling definitely wasn't!
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