About Me

My photo
San Diego, California
Im in the Navy, I love Rebecca and I am a third class petty officer. I am a sonar tech currently in C-school. I really can't wait to go sail the seven seas for a bit. I kinda just like to go with the flow and see what happens.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The all important intro

Welcome one and all.

I am Jake Weatherford, possibly the most important individual to ever live. And this is Sparta? Is my blog were I will share my life's silly stories with whoever actually reads this thing. To be honest this is just a time waster for me, nothing to important, I'm not trying to change the world through my Ideals because to be honest the world would probably suck if I was running the show.

Lets do a little backround on me, like stated before my name is Jake. What was not stated before is I am a United States Sailor. Which pretty much makes me a bad ass. I am currently residing in Great Lakes, IL. For technical training before heading to my next place of residence, which will be San Diego for A school and C school. For the Navy challenged, A and C school is where I will go to learn my job before I get sent to a ship, and I can not wait! I graduated boot on April 9th 2010, it is May 8th as I type this and just about a month in I can say I am thoroughly enjoying my time here. School sucks, but that's been my bleak out look on school since 6th grade.

Anyway a little more about myself, on September 24th 1990 and date which will live in infamy, I was born. The world hasn't been the same since. Some fun facts about the time I have spent alive, 3 wars have taken place and a sudo-war with the Balkans took place as well. Twice in my life terrorists have attacked the US. Ive seen gas hit 4$ a gallon only to drop to less then 2 a gallon, only to go back up over 3 a gallon. I have been alive for 4 Presidents and 2 Popes. I have seen the rise and the fall of tickle me elmo, furbie, beanie babies, razor scooters, Emo music (well its not gone yet but I can dream), a decade of the Yankees not being important, the self implosion of the US Automakers and the second worst recession in our Nations history. Not all is bad though! I have seen the largest technical growing period in the history of the world, from smart phones, to electric cars, to flat screen tv's, to the Internet explosion and the amazing medical jumps we have taken. 2 cardinal world series wins and the Rise of the Patriots dynasty (and fall)

Sweet time to be alive.

Moving right along, I have live in 2 states, Kentucky while my father was stationed in Fort Campbell Kentucky, and a few other places before we returned to good old Missouri. This is where I call home, if you read above I said great lakes was my place of residence, not my home. As fun as it, the Navy will never be my home, "Home is where the heart is" is a favorite quote of mine spoken long ago by a man named Gaius Plinius Secundus, a Roman Philosopher and Naval/Army commander (I am going to do that a lot by the way, I love history and will quote historical folk often be prepared) and I believe that's true.

Missouri has my family and everything I care about there is no doubt in my mind that I will end up there again. I lived in St. Charles Missouri for along time, and do miss it, in this suburb of St. Louis is a certain lady. This lady happens to be my girlfriend Rebecca Hoffman, now I could spend hours talking about her and go on and on, but I wont do that ill just sum it up really quick. Shes the most amazing person alive.

I have 1 little brother Michael, and 1 older sister Samantha, who graduated college today go sam!, anyway my dads name is Rick and my mom's is Lori. I have 2 dogs, Roxy and Zoey. Roxy is a big black lab and zoey is a small...something. I used to own a Ford Explorer and I loved that truck, I used to work at a KFC as well, were my main amigos Chase and Danny still work hahahaha. I graduated from FHC in 2008 and went to college for a little bit before deciding paying for school is what noobs do, and decided to join the Navy for college, adventure, travel, and money. After I leave the navy when ever that may be I will return to school to become a history techer.

Well thats all I got, Ill update this thing as I see fit, I may make it a fun little past time.

Black actors.

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