Yes it looks like that every day. (ive been on the bridge too and yes there are a bunch of sail boats just chilling there)
So I have arrived in San Diego! Go me, no more Midwest! No More Chicago! :D The base here is a miniture base, its one of like...5 navy bases with in 30 minutes of each other lol, anyway, it take aboust 5 minutes to walk the entire base from end to the other. The base is so much more relaxed than Great Lakes too, no liberty buddies, no signing in and out, just show up on time and you are good to go :). I have my own room, no roomate, community showers but I will survive and the guy who sets up the internet is just down the hall from me! The galley here is very small so they have the Chiefs and Officers eat in the same area as us simpletons, so we get the good food. Its not from goodwill either its all the CS's trying to impress the chiefs for promotions so we get the good grub. The Base is right on the exit of the Bay so we see all of the ships *besides carriers* leave for deployment so its kind of cool to see what they look like for the first time. The Navy lodge is right on base so if you plan on coming to see me *wink wink nudge nudge becca and family* you wont be far from me :)
Even better? Im a duty driver, in GL you had to be 25 to do that, here you take an NKO class and you get out roving and QD watch, Awesome!
So anyway, on to San Diego, The beaches are ok, they are small in size, but there are many to choose from. I am biased and nothing will hold a candle to the Shore in my eyes, (wildwood new jersey for those of you to unfortunate to visit there) The water is so awesome perfectly clear, really cool freaking Seal Lions will swim right up next to and swim with you here, they are so used to human interaction its just normal for them and come january, theres a beach here where they have their pups its just out of reach for people to bug them but close enough for us to view them.
This is a typical day at the beach in SD.
The city is MASSIVE, ungodly massive I took a 5 hour tour and we didnt even see 1/2 the city there is just so much to see and do! Once I get my laptop out here and my internet set up Ill post an entry with the pictures from the trip but it was pretty sweet. In La Jolla, you can find a War Memorial on the highest point in the city, it was amazing you could see for miles and miles, out the to mountains that seperates San Diego from the Desert.
Hopefully tomorrow I am going to take a tour of the Midway an old Carrier turned museum and a few of the old iron side ships they set up as museums here as well before hitting the beach up. Should be a good day, anyway until later thats all I have! I miss everyone back home and I cant wait to come home again for more than 1 1/2 days! *I have the most amazing mother on earth who drove 18 hours in 2 days to get me and take me home to see my lady and my family before my transfer it was an awesome day and a half and I was so glad I was able to make it home for the 4th of july to spend it with friends and family and of course the love of my life Rebecca :)*Here are just a few snapshots from my fabulous weekend home*
Me N My lady, courtesy of her father or uncle, which one ill never know.
me n my momma at GMA's
me n my bro at gma's
me n my gparents at their house
me n my aunt p.
me becca n michael at gmas
Very happy puppies
starting to calm down....sorta.
Well thats all for now.
Until next time!
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