About Me

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San Diego, California
Im in the Navy, I love Rebecca and I am a third class petty officer. I am a sonar tech currently in C-school. I really can't wait to go sail the seven seas for a bit. I kinda just like to go with the flow and see what happens.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why yes when I refer to the sports team I say we.

Ok, pet peeve time.

Why on earth do people feel compelled to tell me im not on a sports team I root for when I say "we" in regards to a game or a deal.

For instance

Myself: "We just didn't get it done this weekend we were clearly out played and we played sloppy"

annoying douche trying to sound smart: "We? I didn't know you were on the team"

Screw you jackass. I didn't realize I wasn't on the payroll. This whole time I had been wondering where my jersey was and when I wasn't getting paid! OF COURSE I KNOW IM NOT ON THE GOD FORSAKEN TEAM.

Its called being a fan, are you less of a fan for not saying we? No not at all, some people (such as myself) invest a good amount of their free time keeping up with the teams they follow, reading stats, following trades/injuries/contracts we invest part of ourselves into the team. We buy jerseys, t-shirts, hats and tickets to watch the teams play to support the team and insure that there will be a team there for us to watch, so in a way we are apart of the team. Are we a big part of the team? No. Are we important? Yes. Like the little 14 years old supporting china's work force with out them, china's work force would be nothing. Without fans sport teams wouldn't survive.

So please stop telling me im not on the team, I know that, I am completely aware.

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